
A Few Words…

These are my first attempts at creating GIFs. While I’m reasonably happy with them, I hope to some day advance my skills to the point that these will seem “crude” (as far as GIFs go anyway).

I enjoyed creating the football with onionskinning the most since I got to utilize my drawing abilities.

I also enjoyed creating my own GIF (using my own images of my iPod Classic and a leaf) in Photoshop.

Demonstration GIF (via Photoshop)

GIF #1 via Photoshop

GIF #2 (Tween ) via Animate

GIF #3 (Onionskin) via Photoshop

I present my own “Cinemagraph” creations. This was a significant challenge to try and make the loop seamless. There is certainly room for improvement. I think my favorite is the first example created with Photoshop.


After Effects

Get animated….stop-motion style!

I found this to be a challenging yet fun endeavor. I had never completed such a task as this before!

Here are my two potential story lines for “The Journey to Groove”, one in the linear format and the other in the book ending format.

Please see my two ideas below:



Please use link below for test animation:

Creating my first ever stop-motion project was quite a feat indeed! I gained an appreciation for how long it takes to create just one scene with a multitude of still images. Using the auto-focus on my DSLR didn’t seem to help with keeping the clarity consistent in my film, so I will need to experiment in the future to remedy that. I hope you will check out my film, “The Journey to Groove”. Enjoy!

After some much appreciated assistance, here is the final version of my animated logo.


Ever since we learned about. and created, GIFs known as “Cinemagraphs” in class, I’ve been somewhat obsessed with the concept. So for my final assignment I opted to complete a series of Cinemagraphs. The theme focused on one of many tranquil locations in my town. Thanks for stopping by!

Final Product: “Tranquility”