
These are my first attempts at creating GIFs. While I’m reasonably happy with them, I hope to some day advance my skills to the point that these will seem “crude” (as far as GIFs go anyway).

Demonstration GIF (via Photoshop)

The objective here was to use images provided for the assignment and create a GIF of a traffic light transitioning through the different colors. The biggest challenge here was placing modified images in the correct places and ensuring they were on the correct level. This example also serves as the my first experience using the “timeline” feature in Photoshop.

GIF #1 via Photoshop

I enjoyed creating this GIF (using my own images of my iPod Classic and a leaf) in Photoshop. The biggest challenge here was to make sure the the transition of the screen was gradual enough to appear natural of a device turning on or “waking up”. Another challenge was managing the layers as I needed to use more than one image to create this GIF.

GIF #2 (Tween ) via Animate

The objective here was to create a “tween” in Animate. I used a vector graphic I had created and had it follow a path of movement, one of the requirements of the assignment.

GIF #3 (Onionskin) via Photoshop

I enjoyed creating the football with onionskinning the most since I got to utilize my drawing abilities. This assignment also provided an opportunity to use my drawing tablet. I never knew that Photoshop had this feature now, so this added to my knowledge of the program. The biggest challenge was making sure the next “page” or action wasn’t too extreme in change from the previous. I didn’t want the animation to be too quick.


I present my own “Cinemagraph” creations. This was a significant challenge to try and make the loop seamless. The objective behind each of these cinemagraphs was to only animate a portion of it either using Photoshop or After Effects.

Cinemagraph #1 via Photoshop

Cinemagraph #2 via After Effects

Cinemagraph #3 via After Effects